Tuesday, December 20, 2016

RV Fishing Adventures?

So most of you know that Sarah and I are full time RVers and that we are selling our house (yeah! It's still for sale!), and some of you may know that we have been promoting RV Fishing Sites as something for people to use to find fishing sites.  Well, over the past few months I've been agonizing over the fact that using RV Fishing Sites as a means of something for people to follow our adventures was not only self serving, it really didn't make sense.

Enter RV Fishing Adventures.

After spending some time thinking about this, we decided to go with RVFishingAdventures.com because the very words speak exactly what we are aiming to do:  Take our RV and go find really cool places to fish.  And since we want to share those adventures with anyone who is interested, the name works great as a banner to call all who want to RV and Fish.

So what about RV Fishing Sites? Kick it to the curb?  No, not at all.  It's still going to be there and we're still updating it daily.  In fact, there will be some correlation between RV Fishing Sites and RV Fishing Adventures in that as we go to RV parks and go fishing we'll be updating both sites with information about those sites. One site will get the "Cold hard facts" and the other site will get the adventure side of our time at that site. We'll be trying hard not to constantly be "selling RV Fishing Sites" but the fact of the matter is, we would love for it to support us some day.  ;)

So keep an eye on RV Fishing Adventures.  We've also got an Instagram account now and it's absolutely taking off.  We hit 100 followers in the first 3 days after creating the account!  We're hoping it keeps growing strong especially as we start getting to travel on more fishing adventures in the days ahead.

Thanks for your loyalty over the past year.  I've seen huge growth on the page views on this site over the past year and I expect if I keep you guys reading you'll keep coming back for more.  As always, I'm adding pictures wherever I can!

Enjoy and Tight Lines!


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